Walking/running at the indoor track at Bellmont Middle School is perfect during cold winter months! If school is cancelled for any reason that day or it is a holiday, the track will be closed. Participants should enter the building on the Piqua Road side; using the door facing east, N43. Evening hours are supervised by a Decatur-Adams County Parks & Recreation employee. 13 laps around the inside lane of the track equals 1 mile (12 laps on the outside lane equals 1 mile).
Mondays, Tuesdays & Thursdays (5:30pm-8:00pm)
November 7, 2023 - March 21, 2024
· ADULTS ONLY (9th grade and up) No Children (8th grade and below) are allowed on the track
· NO STROLLERS are allowed on the track
The gym at the Service Complex is also available for walking year round. Three times around equals one city block. 21 times around the gym equals one mile. There is no fee for this program, no registration required.
Available walking times vary. Call (260)724-5332 for details.